Bridge Loans Explained

Your complete guide to bridge loans, gap financing, and how to buy your next home before selling your current one.

What is a Bridge Loan?

A bridge loan is a short-term financing solution that helps homeowners "bridge" the gap between buying a new home and selling their current one. These loans are designed to provide temporary funding when you need to make a purchase before your existing assets become available.

Traditional bridge loans typically finance up to 80% of your combined home values (current + new), requiring you to come up with the remaining 20% plus fees. Most bridge loans require monthly payments and must be repaid within 12 months.

Jib's Modern Alternative: Short Home Loans

While traditional bridge loans serve a valuable purpose, Jib has reimagined this financing tool for today's homeowners:

  • 100% financing available
  • No monthly payments
  • Repay when you sell your current home
  • Simple online application
  • Fast approvals in 24 hours

How Bridge Loans Work

Bridge loans enable homeowners to access their current home's equity before selling. This creates flexibility in timing and strengthens your position as a buyer. Here's how the process typically works:

1. Loan Approval

The lender evaluates both properties - your current home and the one you want to buy. They assess your credit, income, and the equity in your current home. Traditional lenders typically require:

  • Minimum credit score of 680+
  • Significant equity in current home (usually 20%+)
  • Ability to carry multiple loans
  • Debt-to-income ratio under 43%

2. Funding Structure

Bridge loans can be structured in two main ways:

One Loan

A single loan to pay off your current mortgage and provide a down payment for your new home.

Two Loans

A second mortgage on your current home to provide the down payment for your new home.

3. Repayment

Traditional bridge loans require monthly payments and must be repaid when:

  • Your current home sells
  • The loan term ends (usually 6-12 months)
  • You refinance into a permanent mortgage

How Jib Short Home Loans Are Different

We've simplified the bridge loan process to make it more accessible and less stressful:

Traditional Bridge Loans

  • Up to 80% financing
  • Monthly payments required
  • Complex approval process
  • Multiple loans to manage

Jib Short Home Loans

  • 100% financing available
  • No monthly payments
  • Simple online application
  • Single loan solution

Common Bridge Loan Use Cases

1. Hot Market Opportunities

When you find your dream home in a competitive market, waiting to sell your current home first could mean missing out. A bridge loan lets you make a strong, non-contingent offer immediately.

"We found our perfect home but knew it would sell fast. Jib helped us make a strong offer without a home sale contingency, and we got it!"

2. Maximizing Sale Price

Selling a vacant, properly staged home often yields a higher price. Bridge financing lets you move out first, then prepare your home for sale without rushing.

"By moving out first, we could properly stage our home and got $50,000 over asking price."

3. New Construction Timing

When building a new home, construction timelines can be unpredictable. Bridge financing provides flexibility to manage the transition without rushing to sell.

"Construction took 3 months longer than expected. Our bridge loan gave us the flexibility we needed."

4. Relocation & Job Changes

When relocating for work, bridge financing helps you move on your timeline without being forced to sell quickly in your departure city.

"We needed to move for a new job but wanted time to sell our house for the best price possible."

Bridge Loan Costs & Requirements

Bridge loans typically come with higher costs than traditional mortgages due to their short-term nature and increased risk for lenders. Here's what you need to know:

Traditional Bridge Loan Costs

  • Interest rates: 8-15% APR
  • Origination fees: 1-5% of loan amount
  • Administration fees: $1,500-3,000
  • Appraisal fees: $400-600 per property

Jib Short Home Loan Costs

  • 2.99% origination fee
  • 9.99% interest rate
  • No monthly payments until your home sells
  • No hidden fees or costs

Qualification Requirements

Traditional Bridge Loans

  • 680+ credit score
  • 20%+ equity required
  • Debt-to-income ratio under 43%
  • Extensive documentation

Jib Short Home Loans

  • 640+ credit score
  • Use the equity in your current home and the new home
  • Debt-to-income ratio under 43%
  • Quick online process

Ready to Make Your Move?

Get pre-approved for a Jib Short Home Loan in minutes. No obligation to proceed.